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Willy Wonka Contract Quote

Beauregarde-san: Don`t tell me about contracts, Wonka, I use them myself. They are exclusively intended for suction cups. (slams the copy of the contract and the magnifying glass, continues to scream] Willy Wonka: [angrily jumps out of his chair] Wrong, sir! False! Under § 37B of the contract signed by him, it is clearly stated that all offers become null and void if – and you can read it yourself in this photostatic copy: The following quote point may reveal important action points. Willy Wonka: That`s not true, sir. False. According to § 37B of the contract signed by him, it is clearly stated that all offers become null and void if – and you can read it yourself in this photostatic copy – “I, the undersigned, lose all rights, privileges and licenses contained herein and herein”, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera…”Fax mentis incendium gloria cultum, “et cetera, et cetera…”Memo bis punitor delicatum”. Everything is there, black and white, clear as crystal. They stole soft lifting drinks. You hit the ceiling, which now needs to be washed and sterilized to get nothing. You lose. Good morning, sir. I love this article because it does what I like to do: comment on contracts used in movies or on TV.

A colleague and I wrote an article in the Michigan State Bar Journal about the Bilbo Baggins contract used in the Hobbit movies – here`s the link: www.michbar.org/file/barjournal/article/documents/pdf4article2677.pdf Charlie: That`s why you sent the golden tickets! Willy Wonka: That way, please! We will take the Wonkavator! Come in, Charlie! Grandpa Joe Sir! Violet Beauregarde: [show Veruca her Gobstopper] Stop screaming, you tweet!. Ms Teevee: [while the group is in the tiny, narrow corridor] Someone is touching me!. Willy Wonka: [Last line] Make sure you bring your family. And Charlie, don`t forget that man suddenly gets everything he ever wanted. Willy Wonka: And almost everything you`re going to see is edible, edible. I mean, you can eat almost anything. Computer Operator: He says, “What would a computer do with a lifetime supply of chocolate?” Willy Wonka: Or in which direction the river flows. Rain, is it snowing?/Is there a hurricane blowing? Ms Bucket: Wait, stop! It`s called the first of October, it`s tomorrow! Willy Wonka: [Mrs. Teavee suddenly faints] And now, my dearest lady, it`s time to say goodbye.

Violet Beauregarde: Hello, Cornelia. How are you, honey? Willy Wonka: [slap on the lips, then speak falsetto] Yes. [He presses the buttons on the machine; the machine prints a response] Willy Wonka: Today there will be a lot of waste. Oompa Loompas: Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee do / I have another puzzle for you / Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dah dee / If you are wise, you will listen to me / What do you get from a TV overabundance? / Neck pain and an IQ of 3 / Why don`t you try to read a book? / Or could you just not bear to watch? / You don`t get / You don`t get / You don`t get / You don`t get ads / Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee dah / If you like to read, you will go far / You will also live in happiness / Like the Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee. Mr. Turkentine: I just decided to move our schedule from Friday to Monday, which means that the test we do every Friday on what we have learned during the week is now the Monday before we learn it. But since today is Tuesday, it doesn`t matter. Pencils ready! Willy Wonka: No, no, don`t say it. For certain moments of life, there are no words.

Run with us now. Mr. Slugworth: Congratulations, little boy. Good job!. You found the fifth Golden Ticket. May I introduce myself. Arthur Slugworth: President of Slugworth Chocolates, Incorporated. Well, listen carefully, because I will indeed make you very rich. Wonka-san is currently working on a fantastic invention: the Everlasting Gobstopper. If he succeeds, he will ruin me. All I want is for you to just get an eternal Gobstopper and bring it to me so I can find the secret formula. Your reward will be ten thousand of them.

First news anchor: Well, that`s it, guys. This is the big day, the historic day when Willy Wonka promised to open his doors and flood the five lucky winners with gifts. People from all over the world gathered here, waiting for the hour to hit and waiting to catch a glimpse of the legendary magician Mr. Willy Wonka. Willy Wonka: Yes, roundabouts and squares. Just press the button and Zing! You are here! Meanwhile, all the buttons are pressed! Except one! Keep going, Charlie! Tap on it! Willy Wonka: [touches the Gobstopper charlie just put on his desk] That`s how a good deed shines in a tired world. [Wonka walks down the hallway, which becomes shorter as he continues into the twisted perspective space] Willy Wonka: [Shows his geese laying golden eggs] They work overtime at Easter. Mr. Salt: [laughs] Oh, the garbage dump.

Where does it lead? Willy Wonka: [singing] There`s no life I know, to compare it to pure imagination. If you live there, you will be free if you really want to. Violet Beauregarde: Well, I`m a gum chewer, usually. But when I heard about those Wonka notes, I took off the gum and switched to chocolate bars instead. Now, of course, I`m back on chewing gum. I chew it all day, except for meals where I put it behind my ear. Willy Wonka: I, the undersigned, lose all the rights, privileges and licenses contained in this document, et cetera, et cetera. Fax mentis incendium gloria cultum, et cetera, et cetera. Memo to punitor delicatum! Grandpa Joe: [whispers to Charlie] It`s an educated egg indicator. Ms Gloop: He is gone! It is transformed into marshmallows in five seconds. Willy Wonka: “All over the world and at home, it`s the sailor`s way. Mr.

Salt: What is it, Wonka? Kind of a fun house? Willy Wonka: Rainbow drops. Vacuum and you can spit in seven different colors! Willy Wonka: [In the Wonkavator] Faster, Faster; If we don`t pick up enough speed, we`ll never pass!. Grandpa Joe: [excited] Yes, it`s weird, Charlie, but it`s fun! Ha-ha! Willy Wonka: Well, don`t get excited. Don`t lose your mind, Augustus. We don`t want anyone to lose that. Veruca Salt: [to Mr. Salt] I want to come in! Don`t dare to stop me! Mr. Slugworth: Think about it, you want. A new home for your family and good food and comfort for the rest of their lives. And don`t forget the name: Everlasting Gobstopper.

Grandpa Joe: What are the rules? We haven`t seen any rules, have we, Charlie? Willy Wonka: No bright spots appear/So the danger must grow. Are the fires of hell shining?/Does the horrible reaper shear?/Yes! The danger must grow/Because the rowers continue to row/M. Salt: Snozzwangers? Knids vermicious? What is absurd? Willy Wonka: My dear boy, I promise you they will be fine. When they leave here, they are completely brought back to their normal and terrible old self. But maybe they`re a little smarter for wear. Either way, don`t worry about them. Willy Wonka: No, not necessarily. It could get stuck directly in the tube. . Charlie: [when Violet explodes into blueberry] Why doesn`t she listen to Wonka-san? [Translation: Dear Sir or Madam, The Inventor`s Chamber] Willy Wonka: That`s it! I don`t know where we`re going to go! Faster, faster! If we don`t get enough speed, we`ll never get through the day! Mike Teevee: Hey, let me out, it`s dark here. Come on, Mom, I want to be on TV.

Let me out, Mom, or I`ll gnaw at myself the exit. I warn you, Mom, here is a nail file. If you don`t let me out, I`ll spread your lipstick on everything. Mr. Turkentine: Of course, you do not know. You don`t know because only *I* know. If you knew and I didn`t know, you would teach me instead of where I teach you – and for a student, teaching their teacher is presumptuous and rude. Am I clear? Veruca Salt: [it looks proud] I have three more at home! Willy Wonka: The tension is terrible. I hope it will take time. Willy Wonka: This little piece of gum is a three-course meal. FBI Agent: Ms.

Curtis, did you hear me? This is your husband`s life or your case of wonka bars. Grandpa Joe: What difference does it make from where he got it? The fact is that he understood. Willy Wonka: And they certainly show no sign that they are slowing down! Grandpa Joe: It should, Charlie; He has more gas than a politician. Willy Wonka: How did you like the chocolate factory, Charlie? Willy Wonka: [Shakes Grandpa Joe`s hand vigorously] I look forward to meeting you, sir. Delighted, delighted, delighted. Are we ready? Yes, good. Let`s get to the heart of the matter. Mr.

Salt: It breaks my heart, Henrietta. I hate to see them unhappy. Willy Wonka: Goodbye, Ms. Gloop. Farewell. Good bye. Bless you. Farewell.

Willy Wonka: Ladies and gentlemen, the invention room. Violet Beauregarde: Well, they can`t be real people. [Translation: My Lords, please give me your attention] Willy Wonka: [regarding the soda-powered Wonkamobile] Look at the Wonkamobile. A matter of beauty is a joy forever. Mr. Salt: A nice little canoe that you had there, Wonka. Willy Wonka: No, roast beef. But I haven`t done it quite right yet. Oompa Loompas: Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee doo / I have a perfect puzzle for you / Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee dee / If you are wise, you will listen to me / What do you get when you devour sweets? / Eat as much as an elephant eats / What`s your fault for getting terribly fat? / What do you think it will become?/I don`t like the appearance / Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee dah / If you are not greedy, you will go far / You will also live in happiness / Like the Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee doo / Doo-pa-dee doo.

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