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How to Buy Contracts Payday 2

During the 4th day of The Search For Kento event, the Crime Spree game mode was added, in which players simultaneously make flights to receive great rewards. When the player completes robberies, his crime rank adds up, the number of ranks varying depending on the theft chosen. Every 20 ranks, players must choose modifiers for noise, and the 26 ranks players must choose modifiers for stealth, which makes flights more and more difficult, and the 50 ranks will increase the health and damage of the enemy. Starting a new series of crimes without points costs 0 continental coins, but starting a series of crimes at a certain amount can vary in the cost of continental coins, from 20 ranks for 10 continental coins to 40 rows for 20 coins to the player`s highest criminal frenzy for a certain amount. When choosing a flight, players must choose from one of the three flights they have received, but can choose to reroute flights for 6 continental pieces. Players do not receive their rewards automatically, but can choose to end their crime series and give them all the rewards, including loot, salary bonus cards, and continental coins. If a player does not pass a robbery or if his game is closed for some reason during the robbery, his series of crimes can no longer be prosecuted, and he can choose either to pay a certain amount of continental coins to continue the criminal frenzy, or to end it and take the rewards. At 0 rank, each flight starts with the difficulty level “Overkill”, but modifiers can successfully increase the difficulty level even above “Death Sentence”. During the pre-flight planning game, some “Gage Perks” can be purchased with continental coins to provide players with buffs. The command and control of the gang, the mysterious Bain (played by Digger T. Mesch, voiced by Simon Viklund), sets up Crime.net, an online service that allows entrepreneurs to hire criminals for the jobs they need to do.

Two years after the events of the first game, Dallas returns to the theft and Bain entrusts him with the task of sneaking into a police department to steal a USB key and thus delete the information that the police have on Crime.net. After that, Dallas searches a gangster`s nightclub to get cocaine belonging to Bain`s acquaintance and makes his way through the police to escape by helicopter. Bain then arranged for the Payday Gang to move to Washington D.C. and helps them set up robberies and jobs in the area and connect the gang with other entrepreneurs. The first is Vladimir Kozak (Ilya Volok), a Ukrainian gangster who is trying to regain power after his release from prison. They help him by intimidating the mall`s shopkeepers and shopkeepers to pay him protection money, in addition to his rival Dmitri, stealing his nightclub and stealing a tiara made for his wife. Next is Hector Morales (Gary Daniels), a Colombian drug trafficker who tries to oust Mendoza`s rival cartel. They start by protecting a shipment of cocaine while it is searched by the police, then weaken the mendozas by destroying their arms shipments and burning their money stored in a local bank. When the surviving Mendozas attempt to testify before the FBI in exchange for crossing the country, Hector has the gang murdered.

Finally, there`s The Elephant (Bokeem Woodbine), a corrupt Republican politician who hires the gang to help his party by slandering a local senator, planting cocaine in his apartment, or exposing that senator`s arms deal. The level selection menu is designed as a fictitious website, Crime.net where missions regularly appear as contracts on a map of Washington, D.C. [9] [10] The player can enter into an open contract, join a contract that another player has started, or buy a contract with in-game money on an offshore bank account. There are seven difficulty levels: Normal, Hard, Very Hard, Overkill, Chaos, Death Wish and Death Sentence (formerly One Down), with increased cash and experience gains for higher difficulty levels. Currently, there is an option to enable the “One Down” feature on each difficulty, which means that players can only go down once before going on guard (goes up to two downs with the “Nine Lives” aced ability). Whatever the difficulty, the condition was “pro-job” – professional jobs give extra experience, but cannot be repeated if players fail. The Pro tasks were then removed in an update. Some contracts in Payday 2 take place over several days, with each day represented by a separate layer with different objectives. [11] Once certain days of flights are ended in “strong” (in which the alarm sounds), the game can add an escape level in which the players` original escape is thwarted and they must survive in order to complete their rescue escape.

[10] The elephant, by his nature as a politician, offers contracts in which he defames his rivals or puts power in his hands. Such robberies are often committed secretly to avoid unnecessary political involvement, although the noisy march does not affect the outcome in any way. Jobs awarded by The Elephant, such as Framing Frame or Big Oil, are well-paying contracts, provided the crew is able to achieve any of their additional goals and not be detected throughout the process. .

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